Once you've completed the Initializing Your Reactiv Clips steps and you're done Customizing Your Reactiv Clips Experiences, you're all set!
Here's what happens when a shopper visits any of the Collection or Product Pages that you setup.
If a shopper visits on an iPhone and does NOT have your app installed, the shopper will get your Reactiv Clips experience by default.
Shoppers always have the option to revert to your web experience if they prefer.Shoppers who did not convert or download your app will be automatically re-targeted with Reactiv Clips Push Notifications.
If a shopper visits on an iPhone and has your app installed, the shopper will get your Mobile App experience.
Shoppers always have the option to revert to your web experience if they prefer.
If the shopper visits on any non-iOS device, the shopper will get your website experience as usual.