If your plan includes Reactiv Clips, follow the steps in this guide to set it up App Store Connect and Reactiv.
1. App Store Connect Initialization
a. Create an App Group
From the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles page in your Apple Developer Account, select Identifiers in the sidebar, then click “+”.
On the next page, select App Groups, then Continue
Enter a Description for your App Group. The Identifier must equal the same value entered for the App identifier, prefixed with “group”. Click Continue, then Register.
b. Update the App Identifier Capabilities
From the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles page in your Apple Developer account, select Identifiers in the sidebar, then click on the app identifier created in for your Reactiv App.
Under Capabilities, check the boxes beside App Groups, then click on Configure.
In the newly opened window, select the App Group that was created in step a. Create an App Group above. Then click Continue, and Save.
c. Register an App Clip Identifier
From the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles page in your Apple Developer account, select Identifiers in the sidebar, then click “+”.
On the next page, select App IDs, then Continue.
Then, select the App Clip type and Continue.
Under Parent App ID, select the Identifier created in a. Create an App Group. For Product Name, enter “Clip”. Click Continue.
Enter a Description for your Identifier. Under Capabilities, check the boxes beside App Groups, Associated Domains and Push Notifications. Click Continue, then Register.
From the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles page in your Apple Developer account, select Identifiers in the sidebar, then click on the identifier created in the previous step.
Under Capabilities, beside App Groups, then click on Configure.
In the newly opened window, select the App Group that was created in 1 - Create an App Group. Then click Continue, and Save.
You will need the App Identifier and App Clip Identifier for the next section
2 Reactiv Initializatios
a. Get you App Identifier and App Clip Identifier
1. Visit you Apple Developer Account.
2. Navigate to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.
3. Select Identifiers from the left panel.
4. Look for your app under App IDs, where the Bundle ID is listed.
b. Update your iOS Build Settings
On the Reactiv Dashboard, navigate to the Settings tab under Workflows and select the iOS Build Settings. Add your App Identifier and your App Clip Identifier,
Add your Associated Domains then Save.
c. Add Mobile Platform Application
On the Reactiv Dashboard, navigate to Settings and click the App Mobile Platform Application button. Select iOS, enter your App Identifier and App Clip Identifier, select True for the other dropdowns and Save.